The past few decades have seen a dramatic improvement in our understanding of brain health. Far and away our most complex organ, the brain is responsible for not just physical functioning but also intellect, emotions, memory, and the very sense of self that makes us feel like ourselves. Still, few individuals attend to their brain health in a meaningful way. (Take the quiz: How Well Are You Treating Your Brain?)
At Weill Cornell Medicine Neurological Surgery, we know that assessing and protecting brain health is critically important to a long and healthy life. That's why Dr. Stieg created Your Guide to Optimal Brain Health, which provides useful information about keeping your brain strong at any age. You can download the four-page PDF (Acrobat Reader required), or browse the following topics online:
Social Life
"Working" Your Brain
You might also want to listen to Dr. Stieg's podcast, This Is Your Brain With Dr. Phil Stieg. In each episode, Dr. Stieg presents a view into how the brain works, what can go wrong, and what we know about how to fix it. Get life-saving information and timely advice on how to live a brain-healthy life. Find out more about This Is Your Brain With Dr. Phil Stieg.