Denise Buist suffered for years from back pain caused by sciatica and spondylolisthesis. Traditional open spine surgery carries with it several risks, but a brand-new navigation technology now allows neurosurgeons to perform an advanced, and much...
Sara Kearns had always loved to travel, and she built her career around it. So when back pain interrupted her ability to travel, she knew she needed help. Dr. Hartl was there to get her back to her travels.
By Stefano Kaslowski Mountain climbing is a hobby I inherited first from my Grandmother Cici and later from my mother — they both grew up in Torino near the Alps. I was born in Italy but live now in Istanbul, in Turkey, and I have been trekking and...
I'm a 45-year-old woman in Ecuador, South America — I live alone and enjoy my work as General Manager of a medium-size manufacturing company. I have a busy schedule and I travel extensively, both within and outside of Ecuador.